marți, decembrie 22, 2009

Why? Why not!!!

  Ok, intrebarile astea le pun de zor la status de ceva vreme... Si cred ca a venit cazul sa raspund la ele. Cu raspunsurile de acum, de astazi, prin motivele din prezent. Si ca sa va dau de gandit - ofer mai multe variante de raspuns. Deh, lipsa de ocupatie... Sau nu? Hm....

 Who? Me. When? Now. Where? Anywhere there would be good music. How? Intense! Why? Why not!! `Cause I have one million reasons to do it. What? Whatever I consider it`s worth doing. Whatever I need to do. Whatever makes me feel alive. Whatever makes me love you more. Why? Why not!!

 Who? You. When? In the past.. And maybe in the future. Whenever you would need. Where? Hm.. Does it matter? Nope. Whereever you wish. How? In your own way. You`re not perfect, never will be, but it`s that originallity that matters. Why? Why not!! `Cause you have one million reasons to do so also. What? Whatever you wish at that moment. Whatever you need to see or feel. Whatever makes you happy. Whatever makes you think more of me. Why? Why not!!

 Who? All the rest of you. When? Beats me. Time sucks anyway. Where? The place is irrelevant as long as it makes you feel safe. How? The situation will dictate that. Why? Why not!! `Cause you have billions of reasons to do whatever you wish - just be responsible. `Cause you are grown up people and you have to take your own decisions, don`t let others decide what is right and what is wrong for yourself. Why? Why not!!

 Who? Them. When? When the pigs fly high. Where? As far away from us. How? What the fuck.. I don`t care. Why? Why not!! `Cause they are unimportant people. `Cause they never cared. `Cause they weren`t there for us when we needed. `Cause they never were, never are, and never will be part of our lives. `Cause they suck bigtime, and they deserve to be ignored. Why? Why not!!

  Acest post nu face referire la nimeni in mod special. Cine se considera, cine crede ca am scris special pentru el, cine crede ca face parte din vreo anume categorie enumerata mai sus, cine are si cea mai vaga impresie ca postul i se adreseaza... Din partea mea - sa creada ce o vrea. Ok, in postul asta eu ma regasesc. Si tu.. Si tu.. Si tu, de ce nu. Dar tu nu! Si nici voi! Voi nu faceti parte din viata mea. A noastra. A lor. Get away! Why? Why not!! 

 Later edit: nu am de gand sa mananc cainele. Hell no! Dar mi`a placut mult poza. Si tie ti`a placut si ai ras la ea. Si voua v`a placut si v`a facut sa va intrebati daca sa mancati cainele.. Lor nu le`a placut in schimb. Pentru ca nu au inteles. Nu vor intelege si nu le va pasa. Hai sa ii ignoram. Nu merita atentia. Nu merita stresul. Nu merita sa ne mancam nervii (lasati ma cainele, e vorba de nervi aici!) pentru ei. Hai sa ii trimitem la dracu si sa fim egoisti odata in viata. Why? Why not!! 

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

de obicei ma enervezi. Asta mi-a placut.
asa ca iti urez, in spiritul celor scrise de tine:



Cosmin Piticu` spunea...

Anonimuleee care esti mai? Am vreo 7 persoane pe care le`as banui, de la X la Y... Recomanda`te!! Why?? Why not!!
P.S.: Te enervez? Na bine hai, fiecare are dreptul la o parere - iar eu nu incerc de obicei sa scriu numa pentru a distra oamenii.. Mai bine scriu ce simt in momentul respectiv, indiferent de consecinte. E bine totusi ca iti trezesc chiar si cea mai mica si nenorocita stare, si nu ramai chiar indiferent la cele scrise de mine. Cheers!